(A Bicol Poem) Rumdumon |
Nene, nene, Aki ka pa, Mag-adal, Mag-ogma, Uya gibuha, Magkawat, Maghalat, Dae magdunong, Gabos na bagay, May panahon, Iyo ang rumdumon. |
An Disyembre 30 kan lambang taon iyo an ka-aldawan na kung saen an mga Knights of Rizal sa laog nin Naga City naghihirilingan asin pinagseselebrar an pagkamartir ni Rizal para sa katalingkasan nin mga Filipino.Kun saindong obserbaran, an mga miyembro kaini haros gurang na asin mayo kang mahiling na hoben. An sabi ni Rizal, “An hobenes iyo an pag-laom nin Nasyon.” Alagad sa grupong ini, mayo kang nahihiling na mga hoben na miyembro.
An makahad-it ta, dikiton na sana an nag-aatendir sa selebrasyon na ini. Kadakol man kutang tawo sa palibot kan Plaza Rizal nin huli sa kadakol na mga paninda sa palibot kaini, alagad, an reaksyon kan mga tawo mayo sa selebrasyon kundi sa mga barakalon. Kun minsan mahihiling mo na nagngingirisi pa an mga miron, o kaya makadangog ka pa na may nagsasabi na “karibongan” daa an selebrasyon na ini.
Kun sana makakakurahaw lang an rebulto ni Jose Rizal na nakatindog tanganing aranggutan ining mga tawo daeng pakiaram sa historiya kan satuyang nasyon, baka magkakirilhagan o kaya maka-realisar man gayod an mga “ribong” man na ini. Dae ninda aram an historiya ni Dr. Jose P. Rizal, o kun nag-adal man siya kaidto, absent siya kan itukdo ini.
Pagpasensiyahan na nindo an tataramon kong “ribong” ta kun kamo an yaon sa aldaw na idto, maputok man gayod an puso nindo sa pagkaherak sa mga tawong nagmamakulog ki Jose Rizal bilang bayani kan nasyon niyato.
Para sakuya, an mga “gurang” na ini iyo an dapat niyatong pasalamatan nin huli ta sinda an nagin parte kan historiya asin nagpapaorog kaini. An ibang mga tawo kaya ngunyan, mayo nang pakiaram sa historiya niyato nin huli ta nakakaboring kaya kun ini pinagtutukdo sa eskuwealahan. Sa isip ninda, tadaw pa man ta pag-aaradalan an mga bagay na nakaagi na. Kaipuhan daa ngunyan magin praktikal ka sa buhay ta iyo na ini kadalaganan nin mga tawo.
Kun sabagay, totoo an pinagsasabi kan ibang mga tawong ini na mayong pakiaram sa historiya nin huli ta, kun satuyang aradalan an historiya, kadakulon kitang makukuang estorya na raot sa paghuna ta. Pero, kun isipon, an historiya iyo ang nakakapagtao satuya nin basehan lalo na sa pagdedesisyon.
Ipamugtak tang maribong ang historiya, pero sa bandang huri kan saimong buhay, babalikan mo an mga nakaagi mo, bako daw na historiya man giraray idto na puwede mong ipamana sa mga kaarakian mo?
Ipamugtak tang karibongan an pagselebrar kan pagkamartir ni Jose Rizal, pero bako daw na nakikinabang ka ngunyan? Siisay ngunyan an ribong?
Sa mga tawong nagsasabi na karibongan an pagselebrar kan pagkamartir ni Rizal, hilinga tabi an yaon sa palibot mo; bako daw na saro kan na mga ignorante sa historiya?
Seguro, mas marahay pa na haleon na lugod kan gobyerno an mga holiday sa kalendaryo ta. Ta kun saimong ma-obserbaran, mayo man ining kamugtakan kundi kahugakan na baga lugod an dara kaini. Maski ngani mayong holiday, mina-absent na an mga empleyado ta mas masiramon baga an bakasyon.
Kaya seguro, dae nag-aasenso an nasyon ta kadakol bakasyon. Maski ngani sa eskuwelahan, an mga titser niyatong iba, nahuhugakan na man. Kun arog kaini ang sistema sa gabos na sektor kan satuyang sosyedad, dae na tabi kita magngalas kun kadakol kitang mga kaarakian na sutil asin daeng pagpahalaga o respeto sa magurang nin huli ta, kita ngani sa sadire ta ribong sa historiya kan buhay ta. Kun arog kaini, iyo man kita sa kabilogan kan historiya nin satuyang nasyon.
Pero, bako pang huri an gabos. An Disyembre 30 kun magkaigwa man kita nin ley na dapat selebraron ini sa laog asin luwas nin satuyang pamilya, mas maogmahon gayod. Sa oras kan reunion, an historiya ni Rizal an puwede na magin topiko na tanganing maibarewas an karahayan nin boot ni Rizal sa satuyang kaarakian, mas magayunon gayod. Ano daw?
Sa ngonyan, kaipuhan gayod na bukasan kan grupo, Knights of Rizal, an sarong pagbabag-o sa laog kan organisasyon. Dapat na mab-imbitar sinda nin mga hoben na mga miyembro, asin an satuyang mga lokal na gobyerno dapat magkaigwa nin panahon tanganing makiaram sa bagay na ini, para sa sunod na taon, magin maogma an selebrasyon sa pagkamartir ni Rizal.
Ipagpangadye ta an bagay na ini nin huli ta parte ini sa katalingkasan na igwa kita ngunyan.
Tigsik sa Buhok
Tigsik ko ang mga hoben
sa estilo nin buhok:
may patungkag na garong tunok
may pabungkag na manok-manok
may kalbo na sa saldang minaturuhok
may kurorikot-salapid sa may bumbunan
kun may paros daog an bagyong
Tigsik ko man ang mga gurang
sa estilo nin pagbado:
may badong moda pa ni mahuma
may barong-peña na inaalamag na
may pantominang may gisi sa gayad
may mayong manggas sa moderno baga
kun pirmeng sul-uton saimong maparong
an alkampor na mahamuton!
sa estilo nin buhok:
may patungkag na garong tunok
may pabungkag na manok-manok
may kalbo na sa saldang minaturuhok
may kurorikot-salapid sa may bumbunan
kun may paros daog an bagyong
Tigsik ko man ang mga gurang
sa estilo nin pagbado:
may badong moda pa ni mahuma
may barong-peña na inaalamag na
may pantominang may gisi sa gayad
may mayong manggas sa moderno baga
kun pirmeng sul-uton saimong maparong
an alkampor na mahamuton!
Liputok na Pagkamoot
Pinaghahagad kong mahulog
ang bitoon sa langit
tanganing puruton ko, idulot
sa pamitisan nin daraga
na sakong pagkamoot.
Dae ko masungkit, maabot
ang distansiya milya-milya.
Ano daw baya ang boot mo
daraga na magayonong gayo;
habo kang sa harani ako
anggot ka man kun mayo ako;
takot ako na pagbasulon mo
alagad, tadaw baya ta dae ko
kayang abuton ang kinamugtakan mo.
Di bale na sana kung mawara ka,
tutal kadakul pang magayonong daraga;
Yan kaya ang isip ko sa harayo
takig, takot ang kunsuwelo
sa liputok na pagkamoot ko!
-Pedro Pendukot
ang bitoon sa langit
tanganing puruton ko, idulot
sa pamitisan nin daraga
na sakong pagkamoot.
Dae ko masungkit, maabot
ang distansiya milya-milya.
Ano daw baya ang boot mo
daraga na magayonong gayo;
habo kang sa harani ako
anggot ka man kun mayo ako;
takot ako na pagbasulon mo
alagad, tadaw baya ta dae ko
kayang abuton ang kinamugtakan mo.
Di bale na sana kung mawara ka,
tutal kadakul pang magayonong daraga;
Yan kaya ang isip ko sa harayo
takig, takot ang kunsuwelo
sa liputok na pagkamoot ko!
-Pedro Pendukot
A granary of poems about Bicol farmers By Jonas Cabiles Soltes Philippine Daily Inquirer First Posted 21:24:00 05/26/2010 Filed Under: Books, Literature, Agriculture CANAMAN, Camarines Sur?A newly published compilation of Bicol poetry offers poems like grains of rice ready to be harvested and stored in a ?tambobong? (granary). ?An Tambobong nin Literaturang Bikolnon (The Granary of Bicol Literature)? is a venue for aspiring poets to have their works published alongside award-winning writers from the region, like Abdon Balde Jr., Marne Kilates and Kristian Cordero. It has more than 50 poems from upstart to longtime poets. ?More than to collect literary works from Bicol poets from different towns, the book also seeks to be an instrument in the pursuit of greater identity for Bicol,? said Irvin Sto. Tomas, who pushed for the publication of the book. Sto. Tomas decided to leave teaching and spend his time writing and gathering poems. He said he was inspired to pursue his interest in Bicol literature when he read a book by Bicol historian Jose Barrameda about Canaman town. He was amazed by the works of other writers, urging him to think about publishing an anthology of Bicol poems someday. ?While reading poems from various Bicol writers, I have noticed that each of them has similarities as well as differences in style. I also have seen that some would write on the same theme. So I thought, why not publish an anthology of these works to help in increasing awareness of the ?renaissance? of Bicol literature,? he said. This led him to come up with the compilation. The poems in the book have farm life and harvest as common theme. Every piece speaks of the rusticity of farm life and the simple joys of farmers. Umiikul-ikul sa mga kakaw- yan, Sa mga patubig nu mga kauman Sa Gumabaw, Sabang, Tupas abut Mangga; Kin sasagup su dam sagkod Marayag pa. (From ?Sa Pangpang Sulong? by Abdon G. Balde Jr. of Oas, Albay) (Snaking among bamboo thickets (Among canals irrigating the paddy fields (To Gumabaw, Sabang, Tupas up to Mangga; (And when dammed, even up to Marayag.) An trabaho sa umahan maog- mahon baga Pano nin paglaom maski tu- lak nagharatihit na Tangad sa langit baya sabay pangadyeng toda Hagad bendisyon nin pansab- wag sa pamilya. Uya baya sarong paraomang pobre Amayong nagpakalagakaga nin tsokolate; Ta kasuodma batag, kamo- teng kahoy nag-ani Kakanon sa pagkaaga, kon- tentong pwerte. (From ?Buhay Paraoma? by Gil L. Gregorio Sr. of San Jose, Camarines Sur) (Working the farm is a fulfill- ing lot (One is full of hope even when hunger gnaws the gut. (So with your prayers raise your eyes to heaven (Ask that your family be showered with blessings. (For here a poor farmer (Prepares early his steaming chocolate (That went well yesterday with bananas, and newly uprooted cassavas (All went well for breakfast, all to his heart?s content.) A poem by Jerome M. Hipolito in the anthology, for instance, talks about how palay grains are dried under the sun and under the toiling hands of farm workers who are not properly compensated. More than talking about the happy experience of farmers working in rice fields, some of the poems express the hard life in the farms, which in some cases becomes a struggle for daily subsistence despite the backbreaking days and nights of labor. A poem by Estelito B. Jacob of Camaligan, Camarines Sur, laments the decrepit situation and the challenges that a farmer faces as he waits for harvest time, the typhoons and hunger he must survive before the next reaping of the grains of rice. A poem by Kristian Cordero says the persona is amazed by how the habits of farm ducks tell about greater things in life such as patience and fortitude. In the poem, the persona realizes that the habit of a duck to stand on one leg while resting tells that everything can be balanced if the will allows. Kun minsan, nakatindog a maa itik na usad Sana gamit na tiil na kaa- mu sa pinababayad Ka kinaban na daw man unu pa kaabtan, Agku mga bagay na kaipuhan sana na balansehon Panindiyan mantang nag- uulat ka pagsulnod Ka alduw o pag-abot ka sunod na alduw: (From ?Mga Itik? by Kristian S. Cordero of Iriga City) (Sometimes, the ducks stand on one (leg as if to show (the world that in the end, (there are things that only need to be bal- anced (and braced for while waiting for the setting (of the Sun or the dawning of the next day.) But not all poems speak of the sad living condition of farmers. A poem by Jeffrey Valencia from Lagonoy town in Camarines Sur celebrates the joyous end of a day of work in the fields, the merriment of farmers at dusk. Luway-luway napupundo na an lampara kan saldang sa kanluran dakulang tamong minataklob na sa paningoron mga lalake saka babaye pauruli na sa mga harong kan kaogmahan ta mairinom, mabarayle an aki diretso sana man hiling makolor na kahon an katam- pad. (From ?Sa Pagdangadang kan Diklom? by Jeffrey M. Valencia of Lagonoy) (Slowly (The lamp of the sun (Flickers in the West. (A big blanket (Covers the sky. (Men and women (Are bound (For the house of mirth (Where they will drink, dance (While a child stares (At the colorful box before him.) Reading all the poems, one could not only have a peek at the beauty and sadness in the life of Bicol farmers but also of the Filipino farm workers as a whole. Although bound by a common pastoral theme, the poems cover issues from labor problems, poverty, social injustice, hunger, innocence and celebration of life. One can also see the pious nature of Bicol folk and Filipinos in general. Many of the poems talk about submission to the Divine Providence when everything else fails. The book, Sto. Tomas claimed, is a celebration in itself. ?Because it aims for greater Bicol identity, it also boosts morale at the same time. It is an inspiration for all those who may read it to never to stop hoping for good things for Bicol, that we don?t need to leave the region in hopelessness.? He said greater identity was a big morale booster. In this sense, the book also awakes the Bicol spirit. The book, a fourth the size of a regular book, sells at P99. ?But the sale from the first publication will be spent for the publication of the next issue. This is not profit-oriented.? It was published with the help of Goldprint Publishing House, which has published books by pioneering Bicol writers at a lower price, aiming to help in what is called ?the flowering of Bicol literature.? Frank Peñones translated all of the poems above, except for ?Mga Itik.? |
A new anthology of 100 Bicol poems off the press By Kristian Cordero ![]() Sagurong, an anthology of 100 poems in Bikol will be launched come June 17, 2011 at the Metropolitan Museum in Manila. Literary professor Paz Verdades Santos and Bikol writer Kristian Sendon Cordero who lectures in Ateneo de Naga University are the editors of the said collection. The Bikol anthology is part of the seventeen books, which is being published by the De La Salle University as part of their centennial anniversary as an academic institution. Also last year, through the academic publication office of the De La Salle University, together with Vibal Publications it has also published Maharang, Mahamis Sa Literaturang Bikol, a landmark literary history and anthology in Bikol edited by the Dr. Santos. What the collection promises is a surprising and delightful experience to survey the various kinds of Bikol, from Buhinon to the Gubatnon; from the supposed standards that are Bikol-Naga and Legazpi to the insulated variants of Catanduanes and Ticao; from the unflinching folk humor that is imminent in the works of Juan Sicat, Gualberto Manlagñit, and Yatoy Carretas to the heart-wrenching poems of Jazmin Badong-Llana, H. Francisco V. Penones Jr, Merlinda Bobis, and that unnamed Catholic nun who joined the New People’s Army in the 70s. The cover art in this anthology was done by Fr. Nunilon Bancaso Jr. Significantly, the anthology is rewarded with the presence of the young writers who are not yet in their 30’s but are already displaying their mature affiance and defiance to their localities and influences, by turning into a discursive linguistic exploration of the Bikol tongues. These are reflected in the manners and motifs of Vic Nierva, Allan Popa, J. Pilapil Jacobo, Alvin Yapan, Jimple Borlagdan, Johner Caneba, Dada Docot, Sonny Sendon, Eduardo Uy, Rodel Añosa among all others. |
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